Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rachel Corrie

Back after a long time.

Had meant to write about the play we had seen a while back - My Name is Rachel Corrie. Of course, everyone probably knows what it is all about. Rachel Corrie, a native of Olympia, Washington, who went as a peace worker to Israel-occupied Gaza, and was run over and killed by an Israeli bulldozer as it demolished yet another Palestinian house. The play is a one-woman performance by Marla Sea Kaminski, a very expressive young actor, who obviously put her heart and soul into her work.

The play was pieced together from Corrie's own personal journal, and gives a wonderful insight into her coming-of-age thought process. Obviously, the play recounted Corrie's experiences in Gaza. But, heart-wrenching as it was, it was not the only interesting thing about the play. What was pleasantly surprising were Corrie's general observations on life in Olympia. She comes across as a sensitive and perspicacious individual.

A voice over at the end informed us that by all reliable accounts, Corrie was intentionally, not accidentally, plowed over by the Israeli bulldozer.

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